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The evolution of Blockchain, cryptocurrency and all platform devices has created new opportunities in the way we communicate, use money, or sign contracts.

Many of us have long been familiar with the cryptocurrency market. Someone is the active user. Someone tried it once and caught fire. And someone sees everything from the outside and is afraid to try. However, the market itself continues to grow and develop, forming new layers of followers, as well as a number of other industries that want to help in this direction.

The creativity used in money has been and is still one of the challenges today and certainly for years to come. We must not hide that the entire “blockchain system” is developing fast, and is not yet stable with respect to cryptocurrency and their payment systems. Many cryptocurrency most of them really have suffered severe value volatility, limiting buyers or the possibility of users to consider them a currency that can be trusted to be used as a tender, and not suitable for commercial exchange.


But because of the large number of negative aspects, the cryptocurrency market experienced several difficulties, which prevented it from growing and developing at double speed. This list of problems can easily include the high volatility of coins, and rising electricity prices, which are indispensable for the entire mining industry, and the lack of regulatory authority to protect investors with their digital assets. Yes, what is there to hide, people are just confused in all these types of coins and don’t know which of them are truly valuable and represent a certain value, and which ones are truly empty.

Undoubtedly, all of these factors form a sort of tangled collection of problems, where each thread is a separate part of the problem. And the topic of the coin is really a very serious confusion for many market players, because they don’t understand the difference between conventional utility tokens, security tokens or other stable tokens. If you are one of them, I am really short, I will try to explain to you now, what are their significant differences.

The first . In most cases, utility tokens are service coins, the use of which involves payment of any digital service in a decentralized application.

Second. If we talk about security tokens, its main feature is supported by various financial assets, which can be represented in the form of several shares and bonds, and in the form of actual ownership of a small portion of the company. Making it safer for investors from anywhere in the world.

And third . The third type of marker is a stable marker, in which the merger of the two so-called worlds, the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, with the world of stable assets (real estate, precious metals and more). This type of coin allows you to insure your investors from excessive market volatility and guarantee them a safer environment.

This is where the Goldenugget Project enters the game by combining decentralized blockchain technology with the most antique, reliable, value-added, and stable assets.

As it turns out, there is a new type of token, which is designed to create a spark across the crypto currency industry, demonstrating a new standard of reliability and security for each of its investors. Interested in knowing the details? Then don’t get lost and read my review until the end.


All that can only be purchased through their GNTO Token on the Goldenugget platform will be mined on their platform in West Africa where they have been present for more than 10 years. That is a big difference between them and 99% of the “Gold Guarantee” projects on the Blockchain.

About the project

As you know, any token is based on its original background and the basis for the current token is a new resource mining project called – Goldenugget. If you are careful enough, then with the background of the name you can easily guess what will be discussed, but for those who are not too strong in deciphering the names explained. Goldenugget is a new cryptocurrency project that seeks to bring to the world not only qualitatively new guarantee tokens, but also to enhance the entire gold mining industry. Why gold, because this precious metal is worth a hundred, two hundred, and even three hundred years ago, and now. Not to mention the potential for his future, which in principle only grows from year to year.

In fact, the basis of this project lies in the company which was already operating, founded in 2011 last year, which is engaged in supplying earth mover machines needed for gold extraction on the African continent. According to its founders, Africa has great potential, which can be opened if desired, because its vast land is full of various natural resources and gold is only part of them. So at the intersection of experience and knowledge, and modern technology and tools originate the new project Goldenugget.

Typical property

After reading the previous two blocks, many of you can easily have questions like that, and is Goldenugget better than any other blockchain project that also specializes in gold ?! And these questions are there Goldenugget there are some of their answers.

The first thing that starts is the fact that the entire Goldenugget mining industry will meet environmental standards. Goldenugget specialists have developed an innovative system for the extraction of gold from rocks in our Land, as well as further processing and enrichment.

To fully explain all these stages, I now do not see the point, because in more detail about them you can read in the project technical documents. However, in short, thanks to this system, they will be able to eliminate the emissions of all hazardous substances and chemicals that are often used in the mining industry. As a result, they will be able to achieve a maximum environmentally friendly environment not only in the production zone, but also in the process.

This will reduce water use, which will reduce the depletion of local territorial waters, and not disturb the flora and fauna in the district. In addition, the Goldenugget founders intended to use the sun as a constant source of energy, which would solve problems with electricity consumption in local cities. As an advantage of self-energy, the founder of Goldenugget intends to share with locals and nearby cities. Complete all of these lists, will be decent working conditions, because Goldenugget is ready to provide good working conditions to local residents where they will be able to improve not only their own lives but the lives of their families. What I believe is very important and necessary for all countries in Africa.

Token Information

Name: Golde Nugget Token

Symbol Token: GNTO

Total GNTO: 30,000,000 GNTO

Available for IEO (Hard Cap): 19,500,000

GNTO emission level: New Tokens will not be emitted

Exchange Tokens: Will not be released on the market for a period of 12 months.

The released amount that has been exchanged with Gold on the goldenugget platform will be released in the market through an exchange at market prices. Conversion rate: 1 GNTO = 1 USD $ or ETH equivalent.

Advantages of GNTO

After carefully reading the block above, I think many of you are impressed with the high level of Goldenugget, as well as its approach to the very traditional in this area of Affairs. However, the obvious benefit of Goldenugget on existing blockchain projects is something else. And it is also directly related to blockchain technology and its derived elements, revealed by the system’s internal token.

As you already understand, each internal token will be supported by real gold being mined. But because the Goldenugget project is not a cryptohalite on the stock exchange, to get your assets, you can only go through regular exchanges or something better than a Dutch auction. These processes allow you to fully protect your investors from all fraudulent actions by Goldenugget, as well as guarantee them a high level of project reliability and stability. Which unfortunately rarely happens lately.

One Goldenugget word you should pay attention to. Because the principle of his actions is radically different from all his colleagues, and therefore he has all the opportunities to take the leading position in the sector. So, don’t waste your time in vain, read, study, and get to know Goldenugget in more detail. After all, for this I have specifically prepared all the official social resources of the project, where you will find a lot of useful information. On this beautiful note, my article smoothly ends. I am happy to share with you useful information, a good mood and see you soon!

Accurate information about the project:











Author: Modalusaha


ETH Address:0x08Bdf97c3057d951Aa998A6859886a865Fac44E9

Bitcoin, Blockchain, cryptocurrency, ethereum, ico, Uncategorized

ideas from various dedicated cryptocurrency developers from all over the world

Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining the project, your VITA should read information that will help you get information that can help you see your vision and mission

Vita is a Smart Mortgage service provider complete with progressive, innovative, dynamic and short-sighted support forms for new home buyers. Vita thinks outside the box among your standard highway mortgage lenders. Our extreme methodology will destroy all the old traditional methodologies used by conventional mortgage loans and home ownership and change it in such a way as to make the world look at our methodology and wonder why it was never an idea. This extreme change has been long awaited.

Vita is the brainchild of a pair of dedicated digital money designers from all over the world. We need to find one important problem and try to solve it. We do this by creating Smart Mortgages.

Get new creative ideas that will change the way you get a mortgage and buy a house upside down. For a very long time, people had to get mortgages or provide homes for other people who were sent by God.

The internet of things is an area where blockchain innovation will no doubt have a giant effect. With big gadgets related, data security and individual gadgets are the main problems. Blockchain can be a response to the agreement with the information requested from this gadget, provide information storage and protection, and a basis for obtaining new benefits, similar to programmed production network management.

Smart contracts are creative methods for carrying out natural activities that are marked before certain conditions are met or certain circumstances arise. The purpose of a sharp contract is to provide a higher level of security than a contract with customary law, increase the speed of execution and reduce exchange costs. They can be used for all types of understanding or circumstances, such as protected rights to innovation and extraordinary changes, rents and installments, access to individual data, for example, information about personal and medical services, compilation of electoral frameworks, production networks, councils and so on. .

Buying your first home can be easy, with our Vita Smart Mortgage will allow this. Funded by digital currency, Vita will take the lead in purchasing homes using cryptographic money. The Vita application will continue to work near the Vita Homes website. You will almost certainly send an application, view and buy real estate directly or, on approval, make an offer to be seen.

The Vita application will also be used by clients to pay for all needs in the Vita and Fiat tokens. Trade from Fiat to Vita will also be available. The Vita application will be a single procedure for your first home purchase, fully coordinated to give you the shortest procedure for buying your first home. All the important things from the Vita application will be available for use after the Vita house is built.

How can I be interested in the ICO Token agreement? Basically, it is discussed at the highest point on the page, and the compilation of the initial token is closed, you can ask. When the tokens are sold, we will start to build the property. This is the point where we decide the token at the auction. Checking jobs increases the cost of tokens, which means you can exchange, sell, and buy more tokens.
What cryptocurrency can I use to buy?

You can buy VITA with Eth and BTC
How can I win ICO Tokens?

Just register at the top of the page and the sales token compilation starts, you can then start the


application will work next to the VITA HOMES website – coming soon

You will be able to request, view and buy property directly or just ask to invite.

The VITA application will also be used to pay for all utilities on VITA and FIAT tokens. Exchange from FIAT to VITA will also be available.

The VITA application will be the first integrated and integrated home purchase process for the easiest first home purchase process.

All Vita application functions will be available after building the VITA home.

Register, look, buy property, pay with your equipment, no more expensive costs

This radical reform has long been awaited.

VITA was developed by several dedicated cryptocurrency developers from all over the world. We want to find a big problem and succeed. That helps what we have done with Smart Mortgages.

VITA has developed an innovative new concept that is changing the mortgage process and buying a home. For too long, people struggle to take out mortgages or accept family needs without having to work every hour that God receives.


VITA Crypto Tokens will be released on the Ethereum platform. Vita tokens will be compatible with third-party wallets, transitions, etc., and provide easy-to-use integration. We agree that you use … MetaMask

Starting September 1, 2019 (9:00 GMT)
Number of Tokens for Sale
10 000 000 VITA + 20% bonus on
Ended September 30 2019 (23:59 GMT) Pre ICO
token exchange rate
1 Eth = 1500 LIFE

Valid currencies: ETH, BTC
Minimum transaction amount: $ 25 / £ 30
tober 2019 – 31 October 2019
1000 = 25,000,000 LIFE 1 ETH – Good 10%
Deadline for November 1 2019 – November 30 2019
500 15,000,000 LIFE = 1 ETH – 5% Good
Token Distribution

There is no alternative text is available for this picture




Tim VITA launched a passion for cryptography, industry experience and a proven experience in finance, development, marketing and licensing.

James Heywood
CEO and
blockchain leader Julie Hubberstay Public Relations

and content manager
Chris Jackson
Technical Director and Blockchain Developer Additional


Whitepaper: pdf
Ann Thread: index.php? topic = 5180556

Author: Modalusaha

Bitcoin, Blockchain, cryptocurrency, ethereum, ico, Uncategorized

Perfeziona il mezzo

Perfeziona il mezzo
L’industria dell’intrattenimento e dei media guadagna oltre 2 trilioni di dollari all’anno in tutto il mondo. Inoltre, metà della popolazione mondiale guarda video online. Gli studi dimostrano che l’82% del traffico Internet globale viene utilizzato per video e audio. Le società globali di intrattenimento e media sono sempre più colpite dal calo della fiducia del pubblico. Pertanto, Refine Medium ritiene che la fiducia sia uno strumento molto importante per attrarre i partecipanti e mantenere l’ecosistema in futuro.
Refine Medium è una piattaforma multimediale decentralizzata che offre contenuti video originali e di alta qualità. I follower della piattaforma si basano sulla tecnologia Ethereum, progettata per consentire a creatori e innovatori di connettersi a contratti intelligenti basati su blockchain. È una piattaforma che incoraggia ogni membro a contribuire alla piattaforma. Refine Medium è anche una piattaforma per la completa trasparenza, gli utenti guardano i loro video, la mancanza di barriere geografiche, i contenuti facilmente rilevabili e accessibili, la pirateria dei contenuti e soprattutto i premi per gli sconti causati dalla pirateria. La quota di abbonamento per gli utenti è molto bassa. Il token XRM raffinato è una presenza crittografica che verrà distribuita nelle fasi iniziali del processo di maturazione del mezzo purificato.
Il token sarà supportato da coloro che vogliono ottenere la loro parte nell’ecosistema Refine Medium e da coloro che credono nel decentramento del settore dei video online basato su blockchain. L’obiettivo di Refine Medium è trasformare l’attuale industria centralizzata con una tecnologia rivoluzionaria e aumentare la trasparenza, la sicurezza, il decentramento e la creatività nel segmento, che rivoluziona l’esperienza sociale dei consumatori.
Refine Medium è la combinazione perfetta di coscienza aziendale, eccellenza tecnica e divertimento unico. Questa è una piattaforma basata su criptovaluta affidabile, progettata per un’implementazione di massa, finalizzata allo sviluppo dei media personali e supportata dalla tecnologia blockchain. I
La piattaforma Refine Medium è costruita su 5 basi;
Fiducia nei contenuti: meccanismi di protezione del copyright. I video possono essere scaricati solo a pagamento, quindi i creatori di contenuti vengono premiati per il loro lavoro.
Fiducia del pubblico: la piattaforma semplifica la gestione degli eventi sui social network.
La fiducia nelle informazioni si basa su statistiche reali e di facile comprensione che mostrano un equilibrio tra sforzo e beneficio.
Token Trust: distribuzione attraverso contratti intelligenti comprovati.
Fiducia nell’ecosistema: i moderatori sono scelti dalla comunità e premiati in base al loro lavoro. Se le loro attività non vengono valutate, possono essere rimosse dalla funzione in base alle voci degli utenti.
Chiarire la missione e la visione media:
Mission Refine Medium; Controllare e giustificare i media di rete per creare fiducia nel sistema blockchain è creare un laptop affidabile, immutabile e sicuro.
La sua visione è lì; è creare una piattaforma di social video, il cui scopo è quello di costruire un ponte con le persone attraverso la comunicazione. L’obiettivo di RefineMedium è quello di creare un ecosistema che trasforma un ingenuo creatore in una struttura che si autoavvera. L’obiettivo è raggiungere la cima dell’Intefini Rhombus Amacha.
Come funziona
Refine Medium alza il livello delle piattaforme video di tutto il mondo e si presenta come un nuovo modello di criptovaluta. L’interfaccia Refine Medium è molto intuitiva e semplifica il monitoraggio, il download e la valutazione dei video. Si basa sul principio dell’amministrazione locale e viene scaricato solo se il video riceve un certo numero di voti. Ci sono moderatori online che votano per il video e le successive valutazioni portano ricompense ai creatori del contenuto. L’applicazione avrà le seguenti funzioni principali:
Streaming video 24/7 e download facile 
Premi automatici con contratti intelligenti. 
Voto neutro e meccanismo di condivisione dei premi. 
Chiarimento del portafoglio medio. 
Archiviazione video distribuita. 
Transazioni trasparenti e sicure con informazioni sui token XRM 
è ICO: 
La vendita di token verrà effettuata in tre fasi;
Una fase speciale delle vendite si svolgerà dal 25/05/2019 al 15/06/2019. Saranno disponibili 15 milioni di token XRM. Durante questo periodo, verrà pubblicata una versione beta dell’applicazione.
Il periodo di pre-vendita per la vendita di 30 milioni di token si svolgerà nel periodo dal 25/06/2019 al 15/07/2019.
L’ICO si terrà dal 25 luglio 2019 al 30 settembre 2019, dove saranno venduti 150 milioni di token.
Il progetto accetta ETH, BTC, BCH e XRP e i partecipanti ICO non devono superare i controlli KYC. L’ICO mira a raggiungere 170.000 ETH. I
Il gruppo di società Refine Limited è registrato a Hong Kong. Il team include spesso esperti di blockchain dall’India. Il team di Refine Medium offre una vasta esperienza da una vasta gamma di fonti. Stanno cercando di creare un ambiente in cui i membri sono liberi di esprimere le loro idee e sentimenti.
Informazioni dettagliate sono disponibili all’indirizzo:
Bitcoin, Blockchain, ethereum, ico, Uncategorized

Bitway ICO (Token BTWN): Cryptocurrency Mining Network

Bitway Network consente agli esseri umani di investire in una parte del metodo di estrazione di Ethereum e Bitcoin e di ricevere un pagamento mensile. La rete mineraria è costruita su una comunità autosufficiente e decentralizzata che consente a milioni di commercianti di diventare energici nel processo di criptazione mineraria.

Al momento, esiste una domanda robusta e crescente per un’operazione di data mining ben strutturata che aiuta gli utenti non tecnici, presentandoli con le informazioni, le risorse e le abilità richieste per consentire loro di partecipare alla casa del mining criptovaluta.
Che cosa è Bitway?

Possedendo con orgoglio Bitway, gli investitori acquisiranno pagamenti mensili su Ethereum dalla rete mineraria. Inoltre, Bitway sarà mirato all’estrazione di Ethereum (ETH), Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BTC) e Ethereum Classic (ETC).

Al fine di acquisire questi obiettivi, la rete mineraria verrà costruita dal pavimento utilizzando i minatori ASIC e un token integrato invulnerabile che sarà utilizzato come quote del reddito della rete mineraria e scambiato sulle principali borse di criptovaluta.

Dato che la sede centrale è situata in Norvegia, le basse temperature e l’energia idroelettrica, le attività minerarie ridurranno le tasse e amplificheranno l’efficienza mineraria. I centri minerari saranno posizionati nel nord del Regno Unito. S . lungo la stessa latitudine della Siberia e dell’Alaska. Il prezzo per KW / H è $ 0,06 USD, il che significa che il valore dell’energia elettrica è anche accessibile e competitivo.

Bitway desidera costruire uno dei più convenienti centri operativi per cripto. Le priorità principali sono semplicità, sicurezza, convenienza, velocità e rendimenti abituali sugli investimenti.

Inoltre, Bitway ha dimostrato il suo successo ed è stato testato e approvato da centinaia di utenti. Coloro che hanno aderito con successo alla rete. Inoltre, Bitway sarà disponibile per il commercio di diverse borse di criptovaluta nel 2019.

Questa piattaforma utilizzerà l’energia rinnovabile a prezzi molto interessanti per l’estrazione mineraria. Inoltre, verranno utilizzati contenitori mobili per l’estrazione mineraria e attrezzature ASIC resistenti. Questo, senza opzioni, è un investimento molto redditizio che porterà profitti in un mese.

Per comodità e convenienza, gli utenti di questa piattaforma hanno sviluppato un software che consente di tracciare tutte le operazioni di data mining in tempo reale.

Token bitway Bitway Dettagli ICO

Bitway ora fornisce tra 1300 e 1500 token Bitway per ETH a seconda dell’applicazione di acquisto scelta. Gli investitori che desiderano effettuare investimenti tra 0,1 e 2 ETH avranno 1300 token Bitway (BTWN) per ETH. Se fanno investimenti tra 0,1 e 2 ETH riceveranno 1400 Bitway per ETH. Infine, le persone che investono più di 10 ETH acquisiranno 1500 gettoni Bitway per ETH.

Ci saranno 21 milioni di BTWN a disposizione ad un prezzo di 1 ETH per 1000 BTWN. Secondo il white paper di Bitway, l’ICO offre un ROI annuo del 193%.
Distribuzione dei fondi

La distribuzione del token Bitway (BTWN) sarà la seguente:

  • 93% di comunità
  • 4,3% di squadra
  • 2,7% di premi

Il token sarà elencato in alcuni degli scambi di criptovaluta più necessari sul mercato. L’organizzazione ritiene che, in futuro, i token Bitway debbano essere scambiati su, HitBTC, Bittrex, Binance, Bitfinex e ShapeShift, tra gli altri.

Bitway Bitway Cryptocurrency Mining Network Conclusioni

Ambizioni di Bitway per creare una rete di mining criptovaluta facile e redditizia. La causa importante è consentire anche ai nuovi utenti di provare i vantaggi di questa nuova rete di criptaggio.
Il progetto BITWAY controlla i collegamenti seguenti:

Sito Web:
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Instagram: Il

mio profilo Link:;u=1876109

Bitcoin, Blockchain, cryptocurrency, ethereum, ico, Uncategorized

LOLCOIN – Platform Blockchain Pembelajaran Online Pertama Dunia Terdesentralisasi di Dunia

Pendidikan selalu menjadi salah satu indikator utama dari orang yang berpendidikan yang, setelah lulus dari lembaga pendidikan tinggi, dapat menggunakan pengetahuan yang diperoleh untuk seluruh periode, serta menemukan pekerjaan yang layak dalam bidang khusus tersebut. Orang-orang dari zaman kuno menanamkan nilai pendidikan, yang semula diwariskan dari mulut ke mulut, kemudian membentuk aliran kecil, kemudian sekolah, dan setelah semua tumbuh menjadi Lembaga dan Universitas besar, di mana setiap orang yang sangat membutuhkan pengetahuan memiliki kesempatan untuk mendapatkan mereka secara penuh.

Tentu saja, sekarang sistem pendidikan tidak banyak berubah, karena prinsip pasokan pengetahuan tetap sama. Tapi di sini masalahnya dia menjadi jauh lebih banyak.


Tentu saja seseorang akan setuju dengan saya, dan seseorang mungkin tidak, tetapi kenyataan bahwa sistem pendidikan kita tertinggal di belakang teknologi modern selama 50 tahun – itu sudah pasti! Saya tidak tahu tentang Anda, tetapi di Road University saya, kami mempelajari desain mobil abad terakhir. Ketika berada di jalan, long drive mobil-mobil modern dari kelas tertinggi. Katakan, bagaimana saya bisa menerapkan pengetahuan saya dalam praktek di masa depan, jika melihat di bawah kap mobil baru tidak mengerti apa pun di sana? Ternyata semua kuliah dan teori mendengarkan itu adalah “ruang kosong” ?!

Berbicara tentang topik ini dengan teman-teman saya, kami sampai pada kesimpulan bahwa pendidikan tinggi yang benar-benar modern hidup di abad terakhir dan tidak efektif. Ya untuk bersembunyi, itu bahkan tidak menjanjikan pekerjaan lebih lanjut di bidang ini. Selama kita mendapatkan “pendidikan” kita, dunia berubah begitu cepat sehingga pada akhir profesi yang mereka pilih di Universitas sudah tidak ada yang perlu. Dan hal yang paling menyedihkan dari semuanya adalah bahwa ada banyak contoh seperti itu sekarang.

Namun untungnya, teknologi tidak tinggal diam dan pikiran cemerlang umat manusia selalu mencari solusi berkualitas untuk masalah saat ini. Arah ini tidak terkecuali, jadi saya akan dengan senang hati memberi tahu Anda hari ini tentang proyek baru.

Tentang proyek

Proyek yang akan dibahas hari ini disebut – Learn Online Education (LOL) . Proyek ini bermaksud untuk membuat revolusi kualitatif di seluruh sistem pendidikan tinggi, melalui pengenalan teknologi baru yang terdesentralisasi, serta mengubah konsep keseluruhan penyediaan pengetahuan teoritis dan praktis.

Jika kita berbicara tentang LOL dalam bahasa yang lebih sederhana, kita dapat dengan aman mengatakan bahwa LOL adalah platform blockchain yang unik di mana setiap orang bisa mendapatkan pendidikan modern dan berkualitas tinggi. Selain itu, ia akan mempelajari arah paling maju dan populer di abad ke-21, mempelajari bidang-bidang pengembangan seperti: struktur mesin, kecerdasan buatan dan banyak aspek teknologi lainnya dari realitas modern.

Keuntungan dan Fitur

Sangat penting untuk mencatat fakta bahwa LOL memiliki tingkat pendidikan tertinggi yang layak untuk kelas dunia, serta berkorespondensi dengan universitas Internasional Eropa. Selain itu, proyek ini menggunakan semua sertifikasi dan abstraksi yang diperlukan untuk materi pendidikan dan digitalnya, yang disimpan dengan aman di jaringan blockchain yang didesentralisasi. Setiap orang akan mendapatkan kesempatan untuk mendapatkan pendidikan berkualitas tinggi dari para ahli terkemuka dari seluruh dunia, yang pengalamannya lebih dari satu dekade. Pada saat yang sama dalam mode online untuk lulus berbagai macam tes, baik untuk meningkatkan keterampilan Universitas mereka dan untuk meningkatkan gelar mereka.

Adapun saat-saat kerja pada bagian platform, mereka telah menyiapkan algoritma terperinci untuk menguji kandidat mereka, termasuk berbagai interpretasi kepribadian dengan semua sidik jari biometrik berikutnya yang diperlukan untuk pendaftaran penuh dalam sistem. Tentu saja, ini bukan satu-satunya keunggulan sistem LOL. Cukup untuk mencatat fakta bahwa akses ke sumber daya untuk kandidat tidak akan terbatas. Ini berarti bahwa siapa pun akan dapat memulai pendidikan modern berteknologi tinggi di mana pun ia berada dan apa pun kewarganegaraannya.

Selain itu, di samping pengetahuan dan keterampilan praktis, LOL akan memberikan kesempatan bagi para kandidatnya untuk menerima penghasilan pertama mereka melakukan proyek-proyek tertentu. Dengan demikian, Anda tidak hanya akan menyerap teori kering, tetapi juga untuk mendukungnya dalam praktik mendapatkan penghasilan nyata. Kedengarannya sempurna bagi saya.

Melengkapi semua keragaman ini akan dikembangkan aplikasi, akses yang akan disediakan dari semua jenis perangkat, dari smartphone ke tablet, laptop atau komputer. Sebagai bagian dari aplikasi, siswa akan dapat berkomunikasi dalam obrolan grup waktu nyata, mendiskusikan tugas, serta membaca peringatan tentang kursus baru, peningkatan sertifikasi, dan momen pendidikan lainnya.


Untuk memastikan pergerakan semua fungsi dan operasi dalam sistem akan menjadi token internal – Learn Online Coin (LOL) . Dengan bantuan yang dimungkinkan tidak hanya untuk membayar pelatihan mereka, tetapi juga untuk mendapatkan akses ke beberapa kelompok pengetahuan individu. Token itu sendiri dikembangkan berdasarkan blockchain Ethereum. Untuk membiayai proyek mereka, para pendiri memilih model STO untuk mempromosikan proyek, di mana sebagian besar koin akan didistribusikan. Harga awal untuk 1 LOL adalah $ 0,07 AS. Informasi lebih rinci tentang distribusi token dapat ditemukan di Buku Putih proyek.

Distribusi token dan dana adalah sebagai berikut:


Pada akhir ulasan saya, saya ingin mengatakan bahwa proyek seperti ini, sangat populer di seluruh dunia. Setiap tahun jutaan siswa berpikir tentang apa yang harus dilakukan dan ke mana harus pergi agar tidak hanya memiliki pendidikan yang layak di masa depan, tetapi juga pekerjaan populer dan bergengsi. Oleh karena itu, saya percaya bahwa setiap orang yang khawatir tentang masa depan mereka atau masa depan anak-anak mereka setidaknya harus lebih akrab dengan konsep LOLCOIN . Selain itu, mereka saat ini memiliki cukup banyak organisasi yang ada, yang selama bertahun-tahun berhasil membuktikan diri secara kualitatif.

Untuk analisis yang lebih baik dan lebih dalam dari LOLCOIN , saya telah menyiapkan untuk Anda semua sumber daya resmi yang diperlukan dari proyek ini. Tautan yang akan menunggu Anda di bawah artikel ini. Dan itu saja dan sampai jumpa!

Sumber daya resmi proyek LOLCOIN:

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Penulis: Modalusaha

Profile Bitcointak:;u=1876109

ETH: 0x08Bdf97c3057d951Aa998A6859886a865Fac44E9

Blockchain, cryptocurrency, ethereum, ico

LOLCOIN – Mengurangi Hambatan Melalui MATERI PEMBELAJARAN DIGITAL Terdesentralisasi Pasar

Halo semuanya, saya akan memperkenalkan proyek tentang LolCoin, Jika Anda tertarik untuk bergabung dengan proyek LolCoin, mari simak ulasan berikut tentang LolCoin. Kami sedang mendefinisikan ulang pendidikan dengan Platform Pembelajaran Digital terintegrasi pada ekosistem LOL kami yang Terdesentralisasi. Belum pernah ada waktu yang lebih baik untuk mengamankan bagi hasil Anda di awal revolusi pendidikan yang dikembangkan oleh para pendidik dengan lebih dari 20 tahun keahlian dan pengalaman dalam manajemen pendidikan internasional.

Investasikan lebih awal dalam Penawaran Token Keamanan LOL dan menjadi bagian dari inisiatif global kami.Dapatkan bagian pendapatan tinggi dari investasi Anda di masa depan pendidikan, yang merupakan salah satu sektor bisnis terbesar di dunia, bahkan lebih besar dari sektor TI dan Teknologi Digital. Kami berdiri sejak tahun 1998, dengan beberapa kampus sekolah internasional, sekolah bisnis dan universitas internasional dalam portofolio kami.Kehadiran global kami diperkirakan akan meningkat secara signifikan ke tingkat yang sama sekali berbeda melalui integrasi teknologi Blockchain, Kecerdasan Buatan dan Pembelajaran Mesin. Apa itu LOL?

LOL ekosistem akan memberdayakan semua orang untuk mendapatkan pendidikan kelas dunia menggunakan teknologi blockchain dan pengalaman luar biasa kami melalui konsep unik kami. Tidak seperti sistem pendidikan tradisional, LOL akan mengurangi hambatan melalui pasar MATERI BELAJAR DIGITAL yang Terdesentralisasi untuk pengujian & sertifikasi dari Universitas Internasional Eropa.Penggunaan LOL untuk sertifikasi dan referensi berbasis blockchain termasuk pengenalan PENGUJIAN KEPRIBADIAN DIGITAL FINGER PRINT dengan menggunakan dasar-dasar AI & Blockchain untuk menyimpan karakteristik unik kandidat akan mencocokkan mereka dengan perekrut & kursus & gelar universitas. LOL ECOSYSTEM


  • Platform Pembelajaran Digital Global yang Terdesentralisasi
  • Pengujian Kepribadian Cetak Jari Digital Pertama di Dunia
  • (AI) Algoritma Interpretasi Kepribadian Bertenaga
  • Sertifikasi Siswa Berbasis Blockchain
  • Counseling Marketplace Menggunakan Blockchain
  • Sertifikasi yang Diakui secara Nasional & Terakreditasi secara Internasional pada platform LOL oleh EIU.AC


  • Any Platform – LOL Platform akan bekerja di desktop, seluler & tablet menggunakan aplikasi.
  • Pasar Digital Pembelajaran Terdesentralisasi – Terdesentralisasi dengan banyak sumber pendapatan
  • Tim Pemenang – Staf Bersertifikat yang ada dari Guru Besar / Guru, Teknolog & Perekrutan lebih banyak
  • Umpan Rss Langsung – Berita / info langsung tentang kursus baru, sertifikasi, pendaftaran, layanan konseling

INVESTASI & DAPATKAN PENDAPATAN BAGIAN Penawaran Token Keamanan (STO) lebih diatur dan lebih kredibel Penawaran Koin Awal (ICO). ICO terdengar seperti Initial Public Offerings (IPOs), tetapi itu bukan efek nyata – STOs setara dengan IPO nyata.Keduanya adalah Security and Exchange Commision (SEC) compliant dan mengembalikan investor dengan nilai riil.Kami melakukan STO karena kami ingin meningkatkan kepercayaan dan memberi investor kami jenis pengembalian yang membuat mereka mendukung kesuksesan jangka panjang perusahaan. Pemegang token kami akan mendapatkan 11,5% dari setiap biaya transaksi yang mengalir melalui ekosistem LOL.

  • TARGET ON CROWDSALE: $ 42.000.000
  • CAP LEMBUT: $ 10.000.000
  • 0,07 $ – 1 HARGA LOL COIN
  • 18,8% – ROI RATA-RATA
Untuk informasi lebih rinci tentang proyek ini, silakan ikuti tautan di bawah ini
Bitcoin, Blockchain, cryptocurrency, ethereum, ico, Uncategorized

LOLCOIN – будущая система образования с использованием технологии блокчейн


Как вы думаете, это играет большую роль в нашей жизни?

Многие откликнутся на образование, и, на мой взгляд, это один из компонентов, который определяет наше будущее. Но просто получить образование недостаточно. Для успешного будущего и реализации ваших самых интимных идей вам необходимо получить лучшее образование. Однако сейчас на этом пути есть препятствия. Среди них – недоступность в некоторых регионах, невозможность оплаты такого образования, а знак высшего учебного заведения не всегда соответствует стандарту образования.

Что тогда должно быть сделано? Обратим внимание на новый проект, который разрабатывался давно, но только сейчас, с развитием инновационных технологий, в частности блокчейна, он вышел на новый уровень. Проект называется Lolcoin . Это обеспечивает лучшее образование в любой части мира, независимо от финансового положения. Заинтересовались? Тогда давайте познакомимся более подробно.

Лолкойн – это настоящая экосистема.

Который скоро покорит все страны и континенты на нашей планете. Теперь каждый сможет по-настоящему получить высшее образование. Весь принцип работы платформы Lolcoin построен на принципе фактически разработанной уникальной системы образования, которая была переведена на технологию блокчейна. Теперь каждый студент может идентифицировать себя и выбрать курс, наиболее подходящий для него, исходя из принципов знания наук. Кроме того, вся обучающая информация будет храниться отдельно. И только тот, кто его использует, получит право доступа с помощью сканирования отпечатков пальцев. Отбор студентов и их интеллект также будет основан на анализе, который проводится искусственным интеллектом.

Особенность платформы Lolcoin

Глобальная платформа, основанная на децентрализации обучения;

Идентификация личности по данным отпечатка пальца пользователя;

Работа с искусственным интеллектом с использованием персональных данных;

Сертификация студентов по технологии блокчейн;

Собственная торговая площадка;

Lolcoin Ecosystem официально признана в некоторых странах и имеет международную аккредитацию.

Особенности платформы Lolcoin

Платформа Lolcoin может работать как на настольных ПК, так и на мобильных устройствах. Поэтому студент всегда может открыть программу и продолжить обучение в соответствии с заданной программой, где бы он ни находился.

Платформа имеет свой собственный рынок цифрового обучения, где также есть несколько источников дохода.

Платформа Lolcoin создана профессионалами в области образования и технологии блокчейн.

Кроме того, на платформе Lolcoin вы всегда будете в курсе последних новостей образования, сертификации учебных программ, а также вы можете получить консультацию профессионала.

Несмотря на то, что это учебная платформа, за которую нужно платить токенами LOL, есть возможность заработать здесь несколькими способами. Но главное это инвестирование. Для этих целей служит STO, то есть получение безопасности пользователем. Почему ценные бумаги, а не токены? Во- первых, выпуск ценных бумаг от Lolcoin проекта является направлены на долгосрочную перспективу. То есть через некоторое время владелец таких ценных бумаг может получить большую прибыль, чем у него были бы токены. Во-вторых, из-за наличия ценных бумаг их держатель будет получать дивиденды два раза в год. В-третьих, рынок ICO сейчас находится в упадке, и поэтому не каждый хочет вкладывать свои собственные средства в токен.

В дальнейшем планируется выпуск приложений для мобильных устройств. Уже ведется его разработка, и пользователь получит ряд полезных сервисов. У него будет собственный кошелек, с помощью которого вы сможете оплачивать услуги. Только владелец получает доступ к кошельку, потому что была применена технология снятия отпечатков пальцев или лица. Благодаря интеллектуальному поиску можно будет найти самую актуальную информацию по запросу и получать уведомления о вакансиях.

Движущей силой экосистемы Lolcoin стал собственный токен LOL. Цифровая монета основана на цепочке Ethereum и является единственным средством оплаты за обучение. Любой, у кого есть токен LOL, может обменять его на программу обучения.


  • 55%: СТО
  • 6%: советник
  • 4%: подарки / сообщества
  • 15%: команда
  • 20%: резервный фонд университета


  • 45%: LOL Ecosystem Development
  • 20%: маркетинг
  • 20%: эксплуатационные расходы
  • 10%: юрист и админ
  • 5%: образовательный резерв / фонд

Дорожная карта СТО 2018 – 2020

Проект Lolcoin делает хорошую работу, потому что в мире все еще много мест, где многие люди не могут ни читать, ни писать. Глобальное образование – это светлое будущее нашей планеты, получив качественное образование, мы сможем избежать многих неприятностей, включая войны и стихийные бедствия. Я призываю всех воспользоваться этой возможностью и сделать инвестиции в проект. Это будет полезно не только людям, которым необходимо образование, но и вам, поскольку вы будете получать пассивный доход в течение длительного времени.

Больше информации:


Технический документ:


Средний: https: // средний. com/@LOLTOKEN_EIU.AC



Имя пользователя: Modalusaha


ETH: 0x08Bdf97c3057d951Aa998A6859886a865Fac44E9

Bitcoin, Blockchain, cryptocurrency, ethereum, ico, Uncategorized

Alcedo Platform


They have a global mission: to bring cryptocurrency use to everyday life! As a crypto enthusiast, that is a sacred mission for me since crypto usage is not a daily truth for everyday people. And that must change. But what is on Alcedo team’s mind to bring that mission to succeed? Here they are:

Here is where Alcedo shows its physical side. Here there will be ATMs where you will be able to buy and sell crypto. Also, experts from Alcedo will be present there to assist you in case you need help with anything or you just need information. With the help of the franchising system, Alcedo hopes to expand the number of those places. For the franchise, license fees will be paid exclusively with ALCEDO-Coins and that will strengthen the hand of the ecosystem for sure.

These cards come with a built-in NFC chip and will be used in ALCEDO’s ATMs and POS-Terminals. I can not stress enough the importance of a card if you want worldwide adoption of your ecosystem. I would be glad to have such a card in my pocket and need nothing else to go outside and spend on food, electronics or anything else with ease.

The use of the platform via ALCEDO-Coins will be encouraged with some rewards and reduced fees. Though it is an ethereum based token at the beginning of the ICO, later on, it will be moved to a separate blockchain.

Such a project can not succeed without mobile apps and Alcedo team knows this very well. So both IOS and Android apps will be available soon. Sending, receiving coins will be easy and the wallet is well integrated with the Alcedo platform and Alcedo ATM machines. Firstly Bitcoin, Ethereum and the ALCEDO-Coin are supported by the wallet.

I am really glad to see such projects like Alcedo that aims to bring to crypto to daily life. After all, that is what the crypto world lacks the most, right?
ICO [01.12 – 31.05]

Username: Modalusaha

Profile Bitcointalk:;u=1876109

ETH: 0x08Bdf97c3057d951Aa998A6859886a865Fac44E9

Bitcoin, Blockchain, cryptocurrency, ethereum, ico, Uncategorized

MINDSYNC is a created platform.

We have seen thousands of creep talk calls on different trading platforms since the start of the 2009 bitcoin for a specific market. I have never been able to explore AI (artificial intelligence) technology, a huge business with $ 19 billion worldwide spending in 2018, twice the amount invested last year. Business in the present world. The use of artificial intelligence technology in today’s enterprise reduces operating costs, improves efficiency, and speeds up sales by improving customer experience, but it is very relevant, but as demand for data scientists and AI experts grows, There is. In today’s many organizations, the high price of a handful of professionals who are a big problem. There is also the problem of security and the complexity of integration and integration into companies that can solve day to day problems. All of these problems have made MindSync a hard worker to provide an ongoing solution.
Mindsync Solutions
In presenting a permanent solution to this problem, Mindsync is creating an integrated platform for creating active communities, creating suitable marketplaces, leveraging cryptographic mining farms, and building block chains. All of this is aimed at enhancing the power of the Mindsync platform to help developers make steady revenue, contribute to the community, and build new solutions for others based on their skills.
About the Mindsync Platform
Mindsync is a platform and global community of artificial intelligence and machine learning professionals that help businesses of all types thrive. With AI-as-a-Service (AIaaS) and Expert-as-a-Service (ExaaS) platforms, you can solve business problems related to your customers with easy-to-use, low-cost AI- . Mindsync’s distributed supercomputer project and strategic alliance with cryptographic mine farms enable community members and customers to use computing power. You will also be rewarded for using this platform, exchanging experiences, and communicating with people of the same mind for personal and professional growth.
Companies facing a specific problem can post on the Mindsync platform as a challenge for all community members, and everyone who is an expert and interested in that platform must enroll in the challenge after accepting the terms. A professional or individual team that creates a solution to a problem submits the job for review by a customer who needs help or another specialist in the community. And if the review is successful, the customer buys the solution. However, in order for an individual to be a member of a community, he or she must create a completely free Mindsync account and have all the benefits associated with the platform. The more competitors and the more members you participate in the project, the more ratings and value you get on the platform. Know-how The customer identification process helps build trust and transparency in the platform. Members can also choose to create groups that can easily collaborate and provide personal information to access the data set. These data sets can be in the form of packages that can be pictures or letters stored in a platform block chain, and can be published or published. It is informal if the conditions under which other participants can leverage information about the data are properly specified. When a customer interacts with the community, they gain knowledge by contributing to the community, learning and teaching others, and earning rewards by working hard with money. Members can also choose to create groups that can easily collaborate and provide personal information to access the data set. These data sets can be in the form of packages that can be pictures or letters stored in a platform block chain, and can be published or published. It is informal if the conditions under which other participants can leverage information about the data are properly specified. When a customer interacts with the community, they gain knowledge by contributing to the community, learning and teaching others, and earning rewards by working hard with money. Members can also choose to create groups that can easily collaborate and provide personal information to access the data set. These data sets can be in the form of packages that can be pictures or letters stored in a platform block chain, and can be published or published. It is informal if the conditions under which other participants can leverage information about the data are properly specified. When a customer interacts with the community, they gain knowledge by contributing to the community, learning and teaching others, and earning rewards by working hard with money. These data sets can be in a packaged form that can be pictures or written words stored in a platform block chain and can be made public or private in some cases, but the conditions under which other participants can utilize the data information are specified correctly. When a customer interacts with the community, they gain knowledge by contributing to the community, learning and teaching others, and earning rewards by working hard with money. These data sets can be in a packaged form that can be pictures or written words stored in a platform block chain and can be made public or private in some cases, but the conditions under which other participants can utilize the data information are specified correctly. When a customer interacts with the community, they gain knowledge by contributing to the community, learning and teaching others, and earning rewards by working hard with money.
One of the most important parts of the Mindsync platform is the rating system, a tool that allows participants to track their progress and achievements on the platform. And this evaluation system consists of three main components.
· The first component, Competition, is the component’s attitude to problem-solving is verified and success is measured. The value of each participant in this category is determined by the position they occupy and the extent of their involvement in the level of competition in these jobs.
· Community involvement is a second factor and involves participating in discussions, disclosing and explaining participants’ solutions, preparing training materials and interacting with customers and preparing for competition.
· Self-regulation is the third and last element, which allows participants to share some of their reputation points with their will. It aims to provide the community with a way to express personal perceptions when the rating system is not flexible enough.
Block Chain
Mindsync is a distributed software market for data science companies, software engineers, and data scientists who use Ethereum to build platforms using smart contracts. There are three main types of Mindsync smart contracts.
1. Machine learning contest. A commercial contract can be created by any user of the Mindsync platform using a template. He creates a contest rule and creates a contest period that must be paid according to the contest period.
2. Mindsync platform agreement. This contract is made up of the user’s data reputation and is given a favorable vote, helping to maintain the integrity of the platform because fraudulent conduct is minimized and the offender is punished and punished.
3. MAI token agreement. This agreement stores the balance of platform users and directly shows where the tokens are assigned to competitive products or professional fees
Token trading and fund allocation
MAI is a utility token used on the Mindsync Ethereum Blockchain platform and is an ERC-20 token type. And five billion tokens are sold out of five billion tokens, and 200 million tokens are offered in a 15 percent reward pool of 150 million tokens. We must be kept up for the team that is constantly working to make it all possible. 8 million tokens are for the Mindsync Foundation. 5% will be given 50 million tokens to the project’s advisor, and the last 2% will be 20 million tokens. As shown below
The funds generated will be 53% for project development, 15% for marketing and community building, 12% for business development and 9% for operational purposes. % And finally 3% for legal and compliance purposes. As shown below
Mindsync is leaning toward adoption of artificial intelligence technology and is pioneering a user-friendly block-chain platform with an improved security system at a lower cost. You gain all the benefits of getting the knowledge, experience, and monetary rewards to use the platform for your customers, where they can get solutions to their problems and gain more insight into specific data, and even benefit from the platform itself. You will get. The community develops and the more people become more likely to join the community. We hire you to read this article carefully and be a part of this great community. We also enjoy all the benefits.
Please see the links below for more information and contacts.
Please visit the link below for more information.
White paper:

Username: Modalusaha

ETH: 0x08Bdf97c3057d951Aa998A6859886a865Fac44E9

Profile Bitcointalk:;u=1876109